Keynote speakers

Sebastian Uhlemann

Session 01: Innovative sensing methods for environmental research

Sebastian Uhlemann, Professor at Universität Bremen, Faculty of Geosciences (Bremen, Germany)

Nurit Agam

Session 02: Long-term environmental observation for understanding the Earth system in the Anthropocene

Nurit Agam, Professor at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research (Beer-Sheva, Israel)

Héctor Nieto

Session 03: Remote sensing for improved analysis of the critical zone dynamics

Héctor Nieto, Tenured Scientist at CSIC, Institute of Agricultural Sciences (Madrid, Spain)

Isabel Dorado Liñán

Session 04: Temporal variability of Critical Zone processes using high-resolution bio- and geoarchives

Isabel Dorado Liñán, Associate Researcher at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Center for International Forestry Research (Madrid, Spain)

Inge de Graaf

Session 05: Measuring and modelling water storage dynamics

Inge de Graaf, Associate Professor at Wageningen University & Research, Earth Systems and Global Change group (Wageningen, The Netherlands)

Julia Knapp

Session 06: Linking Critical Zone processes to biogeochemical patterns at the landscape and catchment scales

Julia Knapp, Associate Professor at Durham University, Department of Earth Sciences (Durham, United Kingdom)

Jeffery S. Horsburgh

Session 07: Novel methods for the integration and exploration of environmental data

Jeffery S. Horsburgh, Professor at Utah State University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (Logan, United States)

Session 08: Extreme events in the critical zone: Water and matter transport during floods and droughts, intermittent streams

Session 09: Monitoring and Modeling of Hydrological Interactions between the surface and the groundwater

Tam Nguyen, Postdoctoral researcher at Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Water Resources and Environment Unit (Leipzig, Germany)

Session 10: Water and biogeochemical cycles in Earth system models

Bertrand Guenet, CNRS Researcher at Laboratoire de Géologie de l'École Normale Supérieure de Paris (Paris, France)

Session 11: Glacier, mountain, permafrost ecosystems in a changing world

Marit van Tiel, Postdoctoral Researcher at ETH Zürich, Laboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology (Zurich, Switzerland)

Session 12: Model data fusion: Improving model prediction and process understanding

Gabriëlle De Lannoy, Professor at KU Leuven, Division of Soil and Water Management (Leuven, Belgium)

Session 13: Mineral/biota interactions, rates and processes in the formation of the critical zone

Bastien Wild, IRD Researcher at ISTerre, Geochemistry Team (Grenoble, France)

Session 14: Challenges in understanding Critical Zone processes in subtropical and tropical zones

Céline Duwig, IRD Researcher at Institut des géosciences de l'environnement (IGE), Hydrimz Team (Grenoble, France)

Session 15: The critical zone where our science is: seeking transformative ideas and reinventing practices

Esther Turnhout, Full Professor at University of Twente, Section of Knowledge, Transformation & Society (Enschede, The Netherlands)

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